Step-plan for opening and doing business in the UAE. Successful experience of IFZA Dubai freezone and BGP Litigation Middle East Desk
Place: ZOOM

BGP Litigation invites you to an online conference to be held in partnership with the UAE IFZA Dubai free economic zone on the subject “Step-plan for opening and doing business in the UAE. Successful experience of IFZA Dubai freezone and BGP Litigation Middle East Desk”. Participants in the event will tell about success stories of IFZA Dubai residents and BGP Litigation Dubai Office cases.

Thanks to rapidly developing special economic zones, the Middle East offers unlimited opportunities for doing business. The stable growth of goods turnover between Russia and regions of the Middle East confirms the trend toward development of mutually beneficial economic co-operation. The increasingly stringent sanctions and geopolitical indeterminacy are boosting interest in relocating both businesses and families.

What are the opportunities and advantages offered by the UAE over other countries for doing business? How to move to the UAE, obtain a residence permit, open a bank account, relocate business and become a tax resident. What possibilities does the IFZA Dubai free economic zone provide? What are Dubai’s advantages as a place for Russian parties to resolve disputes?

The BGP Litigation lawyers and IFZA Dubai representatives will consider these issues at the conference. Afterwards, those taking part will have a chance to ask questions during a Q&A session.

The event will be held in Russian and English; no translation will be provided of the speech by the IFZA Dubai representative.

Discussion topics:

  • Opportunities offered by UAE special economic zones for doing business: 3 IFZA Dubai examples
  • Step plan for registering a company and launching a business
  • Immigration law questions: how to apply for a residence permit, relocate family and staff
  • Specifics of Russian currency control rules
  • Russian taxation on relocation overseas: CFC, tax residence and other pitfalls
  • Dubai as a neutral jurisdiction for dispute resolution

Moderator – Viktoria Dergunova, Partner, BGP Litigation

Special guest – Enis Sljivo, consultant on international projects, IFZA Dubai free economic zone


  • Denis Shushin, Counsel, BGP Litigation
  • Maxim Kuzmin, Counsel, BGP Litigation
  • Ekaterina Ardasheva, Senior Associate, BGP Litigation
  • Diana Ibraeva, Relocation and Real Estate Expert, Intermark Relocation Service Provider