27.09.2022 | News
BGP Litigation among the leaders of the legal market in the field of bankruptcy according to Pravo.ru

On September 27, 2022, the Pravo.ru portal published the results of an annual study of the legal market in the field of bankruptcy. BGP Litigation was noted in several categories of the rating at once, and in two of them it took the leading positions.

BGP Litigation ranked first in the top 20 bankruptcy law firms in the stand-alone dispute category with over 40 resolutions and a total of RUB 89.5 billion in all cases.

In the largest federal litigation practice category, BGP Litigation ranked in the first group with 55 awards in 2021. The average amount of one decision amounted to 2.3 billion rubles, and the amount for all cases - 98.5 billion rubles.

Also, the company is in the top ten in terms of amounts in bankruptcy disputes and in the top 5 in terms of the average amount of one decision.

The study was based on the decisions that were made on disputes of clients of law firms in 2021: 8436 final decisions of Russian arbitration courts were analyzed. When calculating the tables and distributing companies into groups, a combination of four different parameters was considered: the total amount, the number of decisions of final instances in the courts for 2021, the result obtained in the courts and the average amount of one case.

More details at the link
